Local Seismic Networks and Tsunami Warning Centers
- CENAIS: National Center of Seismological Investigations, Cuba.
- CSEM-EMSC: European-Mediterranean Seismological Center.
- FUNVISIS: Venezuelan Foundation of Seismologic Investigations, Venezuela.
- GEOFON: German Center for Geoscientific Sciences, Germany.
- SGC: Colombian Geological Service
- INPRES: National Institute for Seismic Prevention, Argentina.
- INETER: Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies, Nicaragua.
- INSIVUMEH: National Institute of Seismology, Vulcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology, Guatemala.
- IPGP: Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France.
- ISU: Seismological Institute, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
- IGEPN: Geofisical Institute of Ecuador, National Polytechnic School, Ecuador.
- IGP: Geofisical Institute of Perú, Perú.
- OBSIS: Seismological Observatory, University of Brasilia , Brasil.
- OVSICORI: Vulcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.
- PTWC: Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, Hawaii, USA.
- RESNOM: Northwestern Mexico National Seismic Network, Mexico.
- SRC: Seismic Research Center, University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago.
- SNET: National Survey of Territorial Studies, El Salvador.
- SSN: National Mexico Seismological Survey, México.
- USGS/NEIC National Earthquake Information Center, USA.
- The Jamaica Seismograph Network, Jamaica.
- USGS-Volcano: Volcano Hazards Program, USA.
- WCATWC: West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Waring Center, Alaska, USA.