No Warning, Advisory or Watch is in effect for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

Significant Earthquake Catalog

Here you will find recent significant earthquakes in the region

A significant earthquake is an earthquake in the Puerto Rico region with a magnitude bigger than 3.5, in the Atlantic region with a magnitude bigger than 6.0 or an earthquake that was reported as felt.




Hora Local

Local Time (GMT -4)



Depth (km)


Maximum Intensity


6.6 MwpRSPR2025-03-28 01:17 PM0.718-29.7626ICENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
6.1 MwwNEIC2025-03-27 08:34 PM0.739-29.67010ICENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
3.67 MdRSPR2025-03-26 09:56 PM18.7488-68.2886148ISEPTENTRIONAL FAULT ZONE
3.80 MdRSPR2025-03-24 11:26 AM18.2541-68.7778121IEASTERN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
3.80 MdRSPR2025-03-23 04:14 PM18.6286-68.987110IEASTERN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
3.81 MdRSPR2025-03-23 04:20 AM19.6025-65.319677IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
3.51 MdRSPR2025-03-22 03:30 AM18.962-64.564524ISOMBRERO SEISMIC ZONE
3.80 MdRSPR2025-03-22 01:19 AM18.97-64.490124IVIRGIN ISLANDS PLATFORM
3.96 MdRSPR2025-03-21 07:48 PM18.7998-64.41588IIIVIRGIN ISLANDS PLATFORM
3.45 MdRSPR2025-03-21 10:39 AM17.9803-66.81714IIISOUTH REGION OF PUERTO RICO
3.65 MdRSPR2025-03-21 04:41 AM19.5706-68.145846IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
3.69 MdRSPR2025-03-21 04:21 AM19.566-65.316535IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
3.83 MdRSPR2025-03-21 01:39 AM19.4623-65.46260I19° N FAULT ZONE
3.79 MdRSPR2025-03-21 01:25 AM19.944-64.534543IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
4.05 MdRSPR2025-03-20 06:45 PM19.6356-65.34764IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
3.84 MdRSPR2025-03-20 04:35 PM18.4761-68.7175158IEASTERN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
4.4 MlRSPR2025-03-20 05:06 AM17.992-66.80913VSOUTH REGION OF PUERTO RICO
3.74 MdRSPR2025-03-20 02:27 AM19.4831-68.160169IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
3.74 MdRSPR2025-03-20 01:00 AM19.5521-65.37936IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
3.85 MdRSPR2025-03-19 11:39 PM18.419-68.8328151IEASTERN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
3.68 MdRSPR2025-03-19 10:43 PM19.3075-68.782535ISEPTENTRIONAL FAULT ZONE
4.15 MdRSPR2025-03-19 02:50 PM18.4413-68.7381116IEASTERN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
3.65 MdRSPR2025-03-19 10:26 AM19.357-68.068153IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
3.64 MdRSPR2025-03-19 09:36 AM19.535-68.017513IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
2.98 MdRSPR2025-03-17 11:05 PM17.9446-67.00257IISOUTHWEST REGION OF PUERTO RICO
3.65 MdRSPR2025-03-17 10:40 PM18.9911-64.276624IVIRGIN ISLANDS PLATFORM
3.93 MdRSPR2025-03-16 09:40 PM19.604-65.269185IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
3.66 MdRSPR2025-03-16 02:17 PM19.6478-65.19359IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
3.79 MdRSPR2025-03-16 07:28 AM19.3785-65.433529I19° N FAULT ZONE
3.41 MdRSPR2025-03-15 06:42 AM17.9493-66.81558IVSOUTH REGION OF PUERTO RICO
3.91 MdRSPR2025-03-15 05:02 AM18.2625-67.8928115IMONA PASSAGE
6.00 MwwRSPR2025-03-14 07:42 PM-55.739-27.11235ISOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
3.58 MdRSPR2025-03-13 03:46 AM18.8426-65.0437ISOMBRERO SEISMIC ZONE
3.19 MdRSPR2025-03-12 04:48 PM17.9585-66.809314IVSOUTH REGION OF PUERTO RICO
2.94 MlRSPR2025-03-12 04:47 PM17.9741-66.811114IIISOUTH REGION OF PUERTO RICO
3.85 MdRSPR2025-03-12 10:34 AM17.96-66.809114VSOUTH REGION OF PUERTO RICO
3.51 MdRSPR2025-03-12 03:43 AM18.9766-65.291616ISOMBRERO SEISMIC ZONE
3.70 MdRSPR2025-03-11 05:35 AM19.3796-65.226597I19° N FAULT ZONE
3.69 MdRSPR2025-03-11 02:57 AM19.5538-65.32542IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
3.78 MdRSPR2025-03-11 00:00 AM19.7005-65.3452IPUERTO RICO TRENCH
Felt an earthquake not on the list? Report it here!

Magnitude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >7
Depth (Km) 0-23 24-47 48-71 72-95 96-119 120-143 144-167 168-191 >192