No Warning, Advisory or Watch is in effect for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

Earthquake Information

This information is Issued for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.For more information visit your corresponding Seismological Institution or theTsunami Warning Centers
Event Details
Estimated Maximum Intensity: V in Guánica, PR
Date: March 12, 2025 14:34:44 UTC
March 12, 2025 10:34:44 Hora Local
Region: South Region of Puerto Rico
Distances: 10.77 Km South-Southeast of Guayanilla,PR
11.85 Km East-Southeast of Guánica,PR
24.45 Km West-Southeast of Ponce,PR
Magnitude: 3.85 Md
Location: Latitude: 17.96 Longitude: -66.8091
Depth: 14 Km
Tsunami Warning Level: No Warning, Advisory or Watch is in effect for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Issued Date & Time 2025-03-12 11:24:15
ID: 20250312143445

Epicentral Map

Epicentral Map (PRSN), Last Modified: 2025-03-12 11:24:25 Hora Local.
Seismic Event/Tsunami
DATE: March 12, 2025
LOCAL TIME: 10:34:44
LONGITUDE: 66.8091 W
LOCATION: 10.8 Km South-Southeast of Guayanilla,PR
24.5 Km West-Southeast of Ponce,PR
DEPTH: 14 Km
TSUNAMI ALERT LEVEL: No Warning, Advisory or Watch is in effect for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
DATE & ISSUED TIME 2025-03-12 11:24:25
The Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) received information that this minor earthquake was reported as felt in the Central region of Puerto Rico, the Western region of Puerto Rico and the Southern region of Puerto Rico with a maximum intensity of V (Modified Mercalli Scale, MM). At the moment of generating this bulletin no damages has been reported, but given the size and location this can not be ruled out

Based on magnitude, location and historic records the earthquake was not sufficient to generate a destructive tsunami to Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.

Technical Information

YEAR MO DA  --ORIGIN--  --LAT N-  --LON W--  DEPTH   RMS   ERH   ERZ  XMAG  FMAG  PMAG  INT                            
2025-03-12  1434 44.68  17 57.60   66 48.55  14.29  0.34  0.76  1.35        3.85  3.85D V                              
  46   46   7.6  PR1  168  12  19  29  14  38     Q  PPX   0.00  0.00     13.00  0.10 D                                
XMAG2-N.XMG2-XMMAD-T-S  FMAG2-N.FMG2-FMMAD-T-S  PREF.MAG-N.PMAG-PRMAD-T                                                
                         3.85  13.00  0.10 Z        3.85  13.00  0.10 D                                                

REGION= Southern Puerto Rico                                                                                           
GBPR PR HHZ  A  7.6 283 144 IPD    47.78  3.10  2.85 0.00  0.25  1.71     0.491                                        
GBPR PR HH2  A  7.6 283 144 ES  1  49.59  4.91  5.07 0.00 -0.16  0.85S    0.378                                        
MLPR PR HHZ  A 24.9 273  95 IPD    49.56  4.88  4.95 0.00 -0.07  1.71     0.227 0.55 172   4.00 Z                      
MLPR PR HH2  A 24.9 273  95 ES  1  53.13  8.45  8.81 0.00 -0.36  0.85S    0.099                                        
CELP PR HHZ  A 27.5  62  93 IPD    49.97  5.29  5.31 0.00 -0.02  1.71     0.148                                        
CELP PR HH1  A 27.5  62  93 ES  1  53.92  9.24  9.45 0.00 -0.21  0.85S    0.098                                        
ICMP PR HHZ  A 31.0 105  91 IPU    49.92  5.24  5.81 0.00 -0.57* 1.71     0.289 0.55 183   4.10 Z                      
ICMP PR HH1  A 31.0 105  91 ES  1  54.68 10.00 10.34 0.00 -0.34  0.85S    0.132                                        
CRPR PR HHZ  A 32.2 280  91 IPD    50.65  5.97  5.98 0.00 -0.01  1.71     0.210                                        
CRPR PR HH2  A 32.2 280  91 ES  1  54.84 10.16 10.64 0.00 -0.48  0.85S    0.093                                        
UUPR PR HHZ  A 33.7  16  91 EP- 1  50.75  6.07  6.19 0.00 -0.12  0.85     0.037                                        
UUPR PR HH2  A 33.7  16  91 ES  1  55.15 10.47 11.02 0.00 -0.55* 0.85S    0.141                                        
LSP  PR HHZ  A 37.8 310  91 IPU    51.47  6.79  6.76 0.00  0.03  1.71     0.126 0.58 132   3.82 Z                      
LSP  PR HH1  A 37.8 310  91 ES  1  56.57 11.89 12.03 0.00 -0.14  0.85S    0.077                                        
AOPR PR HHZ  A 43.2   7  90 IPU    52.21  7.53  7.52 0.00  0.01  1.71     0.148                                        
AOPR PR HH2  A 43.2   7  90 ES  1  57.43 12.75 13.39 0.00 -0.64* 0.85S    0.140                                        
PRSN PR HHZ  A 45.5 309  90 IPU    52.60  7.92  7.85 0.00  0.07  1.71     0.132 0.55 122   3.79 Z                      
PRSN PR HH2  A 45.5 309  90 ES  1  58.14 13.46 13.97 0.00 -0.51* 0.85S    0.079                                        
ASPR PR HHZ  A 61.3  82  90 IPD    55.02 10.34 10.07 0.00  0.27  1.59     0.159                                        
ASPR PR HH1  A 61.3  82  90 ES  1  61.97 17.29 17.92 0.00 -0.63* 0.79S    0.076                                        
EMPR PR HHZ  A 64.4  27  90 IPD    55.82 11.14 10.51 0.00  0.63* 1.50     0.112 0.55 166   4.09 Z                      
EMPR PR HH1  A 64.4  27  90 ES  1  63.60 18.92 18.71 0.00  0.21  0.75S    0.101                                        
AGPR PR HHZ  A 64.6 331  90 IPU    55.48 10.80 10.54 0.00  0.26  1.49     0.097 0.55 108   3.70 Z                      
AGPR PR HH2  A 64.6 331  90 ES  1  62.80 18.12 18.76 0.00 -0.64* 0.75S    0.079                                        
IGPR PR HHZ  A 74.4  89  63 IPD    57.10 12.42 11.84 0.00  0.58* 1.07     0.153 0.55 140   3.94 Z                      
IGPR PR HH2  A 74.4  89  63 ES  1  65.36 20.68 21.08 0.00 -0.40  0.54S    0.079                                        
PDPR PR HHZ  A 83.6  85  63 IPD    58.32 13.64 13.01 0.00  0.63* 0.61     0.046 0.55 120   3.81 Z                      
PDPR PR HH1  A 83.6  85  63 ES  1  68.81 24.13 23.16 0.00  0.97* 0.00S    0.000                                        
GCPR PR HHZ  A 86.0  63  63 IPD    58.37 13.69 13.30 0.00  0.39  0.50     0.025 0.55 111   3.75 Z                      
GCPR PR HH1  A 86.0  63  63 ES  1  67.99 23.31 23.67 0.00 -0.36  0.25S    0.014                                        
HUMP PR HHZ  A103.7  78  63 EP- 1  60.74 16.06 15.54 0.00  0.52* 0.00     0.000 0.55 121   3.84 Z                      
HUMP PR HH1  A103.7  78  63 ES  1  72.77 28.09 27.66 0.00  0.43  0.00S    0.000                                        
FAPR PR HHZ  A125.3  76  63 EP- 1  63.77 19.09 18.28 0.00  0.81* 0.00     0.000 0.55 119   3.85 Z                      
FAPR PR HH1  A125.3  76  63 ES  1  77.95 33.27 32.54 0.00  0.73* 0.00S    0.000                                        
MTP  PR HHZ  A133.9  83  63 IPD    65.60 20.92 19.37 0.00  1.55* 0.00     0.000 0.55 160   4.13 Z                      
MTP  PR HH2  A133.9  83  63 ES  1  81.33 36.65 34.48 0.00  2.17* 0.00S    0.000                                        
CUPR PR HHZ  A166.1  76  63 EP+ 1  70.52 25.84 23.44 0.00  2.40* 0.00     0.000 0.55 166   4.20 Z                      
CUPR PR HH2  A166.1  76  63 ES  1  89.54 44.86 41.72 0.00  3.14* 0.00S    0.000                                        
   8 UNWEIGHTED STATIONS NOT PRINTED.                                                                                  

Event Maps

Spectral Acceleration

Intensity Map

Peak Ground Velocity

Peak Ground Acceleration


Google Map for this Event